Monday, March 22, 2010

Back in L.A.

So I'm home in Cali-Cal.

Had a great time, but tired as all get out. And the time difference doesn't help.

Anywho, I can't complain. I'll post pics shortly.


  1. Glad to see you got home safe.

    I'm a little saddened I couldn't say hi - I picked a bad time to catch a cold - but oh well, those things happen.

  2. Welcome home. Great pic of you there.

  3. Glad you made it back safe to the left Coast V. Trust, I'm scheming to get back to Cali again soon (as time permits). Can't wait to see your pix! Rest up brother!

  4. Is that when you were told you were chosen to carry God's lovechild? hehe Really beautiful picture

  5. What a cool sunlight effect in the photo, and what an even COOLER t-shirt!!

  6. Awesome picture V! Rest until you feel renewed, we'll be here.
