Thursday, March 11, 2010

AG Cuccinelli gets owned by Gov. Bob McDonnell

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell puts the stop sign on Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli's foolishness.

Last week, Cuccinelli wrote this ridic letter about colleges not having the right to include gays in their anti-discrimination policies without General Assembly authorization.

Well, the Governor has stepped in and ended this mess for now:

"It was very important for me... to say discrimination will not be tolerated, and there will be sanctions for anyone that engages in discrimination," McDonnell told reporters Wednesday afternoon.

The governor said the directive was necessary because of the stir caused by Cuccinelli's letter, which led people to fear the loss of "their fundamental rights" or that they'd "be relegated to second-class citizens."

But I'm curious about what made him change his mind. McDonnell has said he not a fan of us, so what really got to him?



  1. Could it have been the fact that a bulk of the state's income comes from people living in Norther Virginia (on the Washington DC border) and now that DC has same-sex marriages the VA Gov is worried about a large source of income ("them gays") moving into DC instead of NoVa? This move was probably so that he can say "no" to same-sex marriage when that argument comes up.

  2. He realizes that all this craziness will just fire up LGBT-friendly progressives and the LGBTs to rail against him for in 4 years particularly those in NoVa (Northern Virginia). However, the way he worded it, so he wouldn't be put under the microscope of the conservative base as traitor either...
