Wednesday, February 17, 2010

SMACKDOWN! New Hampshire House rejects gay marriage ban

The New Hampshire House smacked down a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage!

CACR 28 defined marriage in this state by saying it can only be between a man and a woman.

It was rejected by a wide margin, 201-135, short of a simple majority and far below the three-fifths majority -- 238 votes -- it needed to advance to the Senate.

Sponsors tried to delay a vote on the bill until March 17, so local voters could weigh in on petitions at town meeting that ask for a popular vote on the amendment.

"All we're trying to do here is put this on the ballot," Rep. David Bates, R-Windham, arguing voters should have their say.

Whatever, David. Sit it down and shut it up.



  1. Victory is sweet V. More fight is coming this way, but I'll savor this until then. :)
