Monday, February 15, 2010

My thoughts on Judge Walker and the possible Outcome

Queerty asked if Judge Walker allows Prop 8 to stand, is he a gay traitor?

I read this post with a grain of salt. However, if he does uphold Prop 8, will we turn against the judge?

I won't cast him out to the wolves, I will believe there was a strong reason for his decision. But if we perceive Judge Walker as a traitor, are we allowing our biases to get in the way?
I got a feeling that we are not seeing this clearly. Yes, I will be hurt, but I will not consider him as a traitor to the LGBT community.

Judge Walker would be actually doing his job. As a judge, he is supposed to be impartial, objective and respect the law that's before him. That's what we want right? Someone who actually does their job. If we start hating on him, our actions will speak more about us than anything he decides.

We are very passionate about this ruling, but we can't let biases get the best of us. We can't.

I would love to hear your views on this.


  1. Gay or not, Olson and Boies made a very compelling case. The defense couldn't defend their bigoted beliefs no matter how hard they tried and actually ended up admitting that yes, allowing gay couple to marry would be beneficial to kids.

    Imagine that. My feeling is that it's going to go in favor of the plaintiffs, or our side. The team set out to do two things, demonstrate that gay people are a suspect class, and based upon that that the courts use the strict scrutiny test to invalidate Prop 8.

  2. Would Judge Walker be a traitor if he ruled that Prop 8 was legally acceptable?

    Yes. He would be a traitor to sense, reason, justice, and truth. There are traitors like this on the bench already, of course, and in the various legislative bodies of these United States.

    Do I hold Walker to a higher standard now that I've learned he's gay? Yes.

  3. Prop 8 violates the US constitution, and Judge Walker should recognize that, even if he IS gay.
