Saturday, February 20, 2010

John Mellencamp for Senate?

This is an interesting idea.

John Mellencamp is a favorite to replace Evan Bayh as Senator of Indiana.
Over 3,500 people (and counting) have joined the "Draft John Mellencamp for Senate" Facebook group, and some prominent political analysts believe that a Mellencamp campaign could result in him replacing Indiana Democratic Senator Evan Bayh, who recently announced he will not seek re-election.

Mellencamp is a "voice for working people and a champion of farmers," stated Brent Budowsky of 'The Hill,' touting the rocker's populist credibility. "[He's] one of the great advocates of small-town America," he added.
The Indiana-born Mellencamp has already engaged in political fisticuffs with the Republican political machine, which may prove his toughness to doubters.

His representatives demanded that John McCain refrain from using Mellancamp's hits 'Our Country' and 'Pink Houses' during the 2008 Presidential campaign.
Although a lack of practical experience is usually a challenge in electoral contests, recent changes in the political landscape could work in Mellencamp's favor.

Could this work? Would John do it?



  1. Senator Mellonhead? If W can be president, anybody can be anything.

  2. Well, it might not be such a bad idea. It would not be the first time that celebrities from the entertainment industry got on board the political bandwagon. If Al Franken could win, then so could John Mellencamp. A fresh perspective is never a bad idea. and by fresh, I mean progressive (moving to the future) not conservative (clinging to the past).

  3. I can buy into the idea - his songs were for a working class America - small town USA and stories of America; youth; young love and rock n roll.

    He was also part of Farm Aid - so hey - might not be such a bad thing!
