Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting Quote: Charles Merrill

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor voted for women's rights in Roe vs Wade. Her decision was prompted by her empathy for women. If Judge Walker lets Prop. 8 stand he ought to commit suicide. He hates himself and we don't need gay internalized homophobes to tell us we are worthless.


  1. Telling someone they should commit suicide is too drastic and disgusting a statement,in my opinion. It does however bring something else up: If Judge walker does indeed uphold Prop 8, will it be said he did it BECAUSE HE DIDN'T want to be seen as favoring the lgbt community? It seems no matter his will be taken up by another Court.

  2. Who the hell is this guy? I judge shouldn't be making decision based on their empathy for anybody. Imagine if you had a court filled with Justices empathic to White supremacist! A justice should only be empathic to the constitution and the law.

    O'Connor did not rule in favor in Roe because of empathy, but rather because she believed the constitution prohibited that kind of evasion on the part of the government.

    And suicide? Really. Sometimes some people just make me want to scratch my head. Ugh.
