Saturday, February 27, 2010

Geek, Yes. Cute, Yes. Preachy... Maybe

Hey y'all.

I was talking with my partner about my blog and tweets. I asked if I came off a bit preachy in my all (tweets) posts.

He said, yes

I hope I don't come off that way, but if I do, I'm sorry.

My passion for our community is very strong. I try to keep us on the up and up especially it looks bleak.

However, I can't expect everyone to feel what I'm feeling.

So if I get too comfortable on my soap box, let me know. Again, I just want us to succeed and get everything we deserve. But I want us to achieve this goal by avoiding as many pitfalls as possible.

So let me know how y'all feel.


  1. You are not preachy at all, in my opinion. You are committed to a more positive and diverse humanity and there is nothing wrong with saying that. I think I could be accused of being preachy, too. But the fact is, we have to be somewhat preachy, if we are ever to make a difference at all. Too many of the haters are extremely preachy and make everyone feel as though they need to follow or be left behind. The reason you may be called preachy is because you force people to hear what they don't want to hear. The fault is in them, not you.Our society needs to wake up and take a look around them. In order to clearly see, they need to remove the distractions that prevent them from truly seeing what's happening here.
    Keep singing the tune. You're not preaching, you're asking people to wake up and take some responsibility for what we do individually and as a society.
    Nothing wrong with that at all. Or maybe it's just me....

  2. Honey, I dig the fact that your blog has a strong point of view. Within the fun and fantasy posts, you also stay true to a political agenda.

    Our community is engaged in a long battle. We have to speak with a clear and strong voice.

  3. I love your geeky, preachy blog :-)

  4. I've never thought you were preachy. I think you're open minded, fair, and most of all informative.
    Because of your knowledge is one of the reasons I come to this blog. I don't always comment, but lots of times I read your very political post to get my learn on.
    And in the end, it is YOUR blog. So if someone doesn't like it, there are a billion other blogs out there.

  5. I've never thought you were preachy. I think you're open minded, fair, and most of all informative.
    Because of your knowledge is one of the reasons I come to this blog. I don't always comment, but lots of times I read your very political post to get my learn on.
    And in the end, it is YOUR blog. So if someone doesn't like it, there are a billion other blogs out there.

  6. You aren't being preachy at all.

    You're a tad more reserved about some of the things we share in common in the struggle for civil rights. I'm much more radical and in-your-face about it.

  7. I've never thought of you as preachy, either.
    I don't agree with you all the time, and you don't agree with me all the time, about what we need to do as a community, but I respect your opinion always, and love the dialogue.
    Preachy, No.
    Intelligent, thoughtful discussion, Yes.
