Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wes Craven is IN: Scream 4 starts in April

Everybody's in... Wes Craven is back in the Director's seat for Scream 4.
At the Golden Globes MTV spoke with the Arquettes about what was going on with the franchise. David seemed pretty sure about what was happening,

"Yes, Wes [Craven] is in, Neve [Campbell] is in, everyone is in."

However Coutney Cox wasn't exactly as positive as her husband was,
"I know they're trying to make that work," she said, referring to bringing the "Nightmare on Elm Street" creator back on to direct.

"They'll make it work," she said, quickly adding "I hope."

Ooookay. The jury is still out on this.



  1. I did love this series. If they do bring it back, I hope it's done right!
