Monday, January 18, 2010

Question of the Day

Where do you think the federal Prop 8 case is heading?


  1. I think some members of the USSC are secretly drooling over themselves in anticipation of the case. It will still take a couple years or more until it gets that far, but I now feel strongly that the court will accept the case and will rule against us. The aftermath of this negative ruling will be swift and extreme. It will be open season on out gay folks in some areas.

    Yes, someday we will win ultimately. It may take a few more decades or longer, but one day the USSC will overrule themselves.

    Boies and Olsen are so selfish to bring this case at this time. Everyone told them they were premature, but they didn't listen. They just wanted the fame of winning a major civil rights case. But if they lose, they'll just go back to their wives and their firms and not give us a second thought.

    Wow I'm really pessimistic! I pray I am 100% wrong.

  2. V, I'm afraid I have to agree with Larry. It can't be a good sign that the Supreme Court is eying the case with such interest. We are in a high stakes legal battle and if things don't turn out the way we need them to, there will be serious consequences. Let's hope Larry is wrong.
