Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Question of the Day: LGBT Progressive Edition

So if we ditch the Dems, what do we do next?

I beg for a solid plan and continue to get cheap jello when it comes to long-term LGBT planning.

I would love to hear from y'all about next steps.


  1. Nothing would make me happier than to see BOTH the republicans and the democrats crash and burn. Then I'd like to see several smaller, issue-focused parties arise and govern America in a European-style coalition government.

    President Washington warned us against the two-party system, and today we suffer because of it.

  2. If we ditch the Dems lets put our money into a truly progressive party.

  3. It would be totally ridiculous to ditch the Dems completely. Until there is a reliable alternative, you need to be attached to R or D. I am all for ditching the DNC and any $$$ support, and instead focus giving to state races. The battles seem to be state-based now, so finding candidates who support us philosophically and with votes. If we spent half the time currently given to complain about the President on our local pols, things might have been different in both NY & NJ.
