Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pat Robertson said a 'Pact with the Devil' caused the earthquake in Haiti

This silly man had the nerve to say the tragedy in Haiti happened because of their 'pact with the devil'

see it here


  1. "Out of this tragedy, some good may come." I agree Pat, perhaps some of your followers might figure out the nasty piece of work you are. Or are they too convinced your God is a angry, vengeful and vindictive one, out to hurt and kill people who disagree with you?

  2. I said this on my blog, but I'll repeat it here. He is disgusting and is a prime example of what is wrong with Christianity today. We have people like this old bitter, homophobic man as mouthpieces. Let me make this clear, he does NOT speak for God, and has done more harm over the years than he's done good.

  3. That does it... I'm sticking my knitting needle in my Pat Robertson doll... These damned self-righteous hateful Right wing crap mongers!

  4. I can't get over that he is still on air. Why people tune in to listen to this crap still confuses me. Hopefully the fact that while the rest of the world is trying to help Pat and his cohorts are saying such foolishness will help people realize there are better places to put their money.

  5. Where are all the "good Christians" outrage? If a leader of an organiztion I belonged to made hurtful racist statements I would be up in arms. He is the head of The Christain Broadcasting Network. One would think Christians would be OUTRAGED.
