Monday, January 18, 2010

Ovie Mughelli deals with Gay Rumors

I knew this would happen.

After the foolishness and stupidity of Miss Jia and scorned/maybe needs counseling "ex", Francois Sloan (note to peeps, never get involved with someone named, Francois), Ovie had to call in the troops.

Phaedra Parks, an entertainment attorney sent out a letter to the blogs peddling this drama. The letters says:
Your blog is replete with defamatory statements as it relates to Mr. Mughelli,” the letter says. “If you do not cease and desist immediately, we will have no alternative but to seek an immediate permanent injunction and sue you for damages for defamation and false light. “Under the law, you and your company are liable for defamatory and false statements. You and your company have continuously published and/or posted stories and/or comments that allege that Mr. Mughelli is a homosexual and is or was involved in a homosexual affair with a man. As you are aware, making libelous and defamatory statements are punishable by law and subject to monetary damages and punitive relief. Accordingly, in an action for defamation, Mr. Mughelli is not required to show that you posted the story and/or comments with a malicious intent. The fact that you posted this story and these comments at all is sufficient to subject you to liability and civil damages.”

Most blogs have removed their posts to stay out of trouble. Also, Francois didn't want to talk to the media. After he HAD to tell his 3 year old story, he has nothing to say?

As you can tell, I still think this story is bogus and Francois made a big ole fool of himself. He trusted amateurs and got played, and maybe sued.

See folks, never let your fantasies get the best of you, they can get you into big trouble.



  1. Those clowns will get what they deserve for peddling trash/gossip.

  2. I find it interesting being called gay is defamatory and defamation of character. I would have dealt with false statements.
