Saturday, January 9, 2010

My 45 Cents on the Ovie Mughelli Drama

While I was meditating at Castle Greyskull, I received some vibrations of foolishness.

It's all about the Atlanta Falcons fullback, Ovie Mughelli and the jilted ex-lover who claimed he had "no choice" but to out him.

This is pure mess, but I'll break this down the best way I can.

So, Ovie and this mystery man has supposedly been fooling around since college. It was mostly sexual and Ovie would ask for money from the guy from time to time. After a couple years of this, Ovie broke it off and the guy was hurt. Then they start f**king again, briefly and Ovie broke it off, again. Now, here's the J.R. Ewing moment, the guy claimed that Ovie invited him to talk about their relationship. Ovie had a lawyer there and slipped the guy hush money. He didn't take it, but he was hurt.

That's the alleged story. But here are the interesting pieces from the guy:
The reason I have decided to come out with this story is because I have given him more than enough time to right this wrong. To not treat me like a skeleton in his closet, but to speak to me, man to man about the situation, and why he turned our relationship into a would-be scandal.
Child Cheese, you think going on a gossip site is better? He didn't turn this into a scandal, your broke ass did!
To this day, I have no idea what was in that envelope, but there is no amount of money that will heal a scorned heart. And now he needs to man up, if he can even call himself that, and stop living a lie.
You need to MAN UP and reveal yourself!
I have a life I need to live also, and the only way to bring closure to this situation is to get it off my chest. As I stated, I gave him over 2 years to right this wrong. He left me no choice, I have to do it my way.
So you out him, send this letter out for public notice and think this is closure? You are a fool! 2 years has passed and you are still holding on? And I love that you felt you had to do this your way. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! The type like Alex on Fatal Attraction, Seek Help!

My other issue is with the Miss Jia website. She was the first to post the story, stating that she was trying to help the human race.
A lot of you questioned why I agreed to post this and “blast” a guy living his life on the DL. Simple. I could’ve been that woman…your friend could’ve been that gay man. It could’ve been anybody. When I first read this guy’s letter, I felt his emotion and although I would’ve been like MANY of you and at LEAST looked inside the envelope, I will say that you can’t really judge how a person handles their emotions when they’ve been hurt. Now, I’m not saying that it’s okay for people to just kill folks all nilly willy but when you’re mad, you’re mad. Please believe that hell hath no fury like a woman a gay man scorned.
Girl, don't make me laugh. Quoting Storm from Uncanny X-Men 243 (Inferno Saga):

"That is the cheapest of excuses and I will not let you hide behind it."

You "blasted" this guy for hits, pure and simple. Would you have posted this if it wasn't Ovie Mughelli? And this story really doesn't have proof, besides some receipts and pictures without the other guy. Why post this? Please stop playing and just say you did this for the ratings.

Miss Jia is a frakking GOSSIP BLOG, who do you think you are foolin' ?

To the secret lover scorned, grow up and get counseling.

To Miss Jia, I ain't mad at you, but be real about your intentions.

P.S. I removed the link to Miss Jia, she thinks I trying to get some traffic. I don't need to out someone for that.


  1. There is a point I agree with you and that is would he have done this if the athlete was not popular. It is interesting to see what the hurt guy thinks about that.

    This story stinks for me. This is done when the guy didn't even go on record. I follow the Jia blog and this must have been huge for her.

  2. LOL so now you're using my blog and my "real intentions" to drum up hits to your own blog?

    Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

    Honey, the reasons that I posted on my blog are as legit as they come. I absolutely KNEW that this would put a spike in my traffic. I am a blogger who is PAID off the amount of traffic I have PLUS advertisements. I'd be a fool to withdraw that b/c of the moral compass of someone else. Never ONCE did you read where I said "I didn't do this for ratings." Please...only an idiot would go there. I know how traffic works, I posted it and it did what I expected it too.

    Now even though traffic was indeed a factor, the FACTS are quite simple...I am a single BLACK woman in Atlanta where the "word" is that we have the highest gay/dl population of any other city in the US. I KNOW people who screwed around with gay men and likewise, I know gay men who continuously sleep with men who have girlfriends and wives. I don't agree with it but that's their choices. So IMO, this posting served several purposes. Don't point out the one that you happen to find flawed and run with it WITHOUT asking questions.

    Finally, had you read my comments in the blog, you'd also know that I said that I would post a VIDEO of the guy who sent the letter in. As soon as he sent it, I did some very light editing and it's up. So there goes your "you get to remain hidden" theory.

    To compare me to Perez or to even question my intentions without "manning up" yourself and simply ASKING is despicable. I'm sure you'll learn better next time.

    I ain't mad at you though, boo. Jia loves the gays.

    Miss Jia

  3. Then I will remove the link, I have no problem doing that. I don't need the traffic, I get it, by NOT outing or harming others.

    Oh, I was talking about the mystery guy manning up, not you. Please read carefully.

    That mystery man's video is carefully edited to avoid legal action, lol.

    And you did this for the ratings, don't twisted. But, I'm done. I think Ovie's lawyers will calling soon.

  4. I said my piece on my own blog, I'm not giving anybody any slide but Ovie Mughelli could have just simply told dude it was over rather than the on again off again crap.
