Saturday, January 2, 2010

Meet the New Doctor Who


  1. I'm sure i will be as brilliantly written as usual, but so far I'm not feeling the love for this guy...

  2. Dirk-How can he not be getting some flack. How do you follow up Tennant? That guy was great!!

    Also, I don't like Martha being married to Mickey, but what ya gonna do. I did like seeing Jack with Russell Tovey(the werewolf from Being Human). You know they were considering Russell to be the next Doctor after Tennant. I think I may have liked that better. The new guy isn't floating on me yet. But we'll see.

    I also fear the inevitable remix and update of the Tardis. A lot of the charm for the Doctor was that whole Steampunk vibe it had. Gave it a sense of history,warmth and character. Hopefully they won't change it too much. Once again, we'll see!

  3. Oh and speaking of Being Human, Season two starts on January 10th!!! WHEE WHOO!!!!
