Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gay Marriage: Cindy 1, John 0

Yesterday, Cindy McCain posted her NOH8 pic.

Today, John McCain released this statement.
"Sen. McCain believes the sanctity of marriage is only defined as between one man and one woman."

Interesting to say the least. But I guess he has to send that message, since he's running for Senator in Arizona again. And you know how Arizona feels about anything progressive.



  1. I guess McCain left out the modifier - between one man and one woman [AT A TIME], although he didn't seem to mind dating the 2nd before divorcing the first...

  2. Yes, it's amazing how selective memories work.
    "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
    ...unless of course, you find another hot babe who's younger or has more bling!
    Now that I think about it, It says "what" God joins, which is clearly not defined as 1 man and 1 woman! Interesting....
    Of course, there's also the part in the Bible about the woman being stoned if she wasn't a virgin at marriage.
    Conservative Wingnuts don't seem to care too much about that one, either.
