Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cosmo Cock beats Martha Coakley

Well, it's done. Martha lost the special election.
In a dramatic upset that will end Democrats' super majority in the Senate, Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley to claim the seat held by the late Ted Kennedy for more than 46 years.

Brown's victory makes him the 41st Republican in the Senate, meaning Democrats will no longer be able to prevent a Republican filibuster -- a major complication for President Obama's agenda and health care legislation currently pending in Congress.

Obama called Brown to congratulate him on his victory and told him "he looks forward to working with him on the urgent economic challenges facing Massachusetts families and struggling families across our nation," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

Brown has said he opposes Democrats' health care overhaul working its way through Congress, and some Democrats are even acknowledging Brown's win could imperil passage of other big ticket items, including climate change legislation, regulatory reforms and a banking industry overhaul.

Minor setback, we will be okay. This is a lesson learned.
