Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Is this real?

Yes, it is!!!

Abbaworld is a real deal and my campy gayness have reached Omega levels.
And now there's ABBAWORLD – a new museum-cum-theme park in London with enough music, mementoes and memory-lane appeal to satisfy even the most fervent ABBA fan. ABBAWORLD's Swedish organizers promise the exhibition – which opens to the public on Wednesday – will be "a place for total interaction" with the band.

The celebration kicks off Tuesday night with a party attended by band members Bjorn Ulvaeus and Anna-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad.
The exhibition tells the band's story in 25 rooms spread over 30,000 square feet (2,800 sq. meters). Glass cases contain spangly costumes in silk, satin and spandex. Visitors can see recreations of Polar Studios, where the band recorded, and the seaside cabin near Stockholm where Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson composed the band's hits.

One corner holds the helicopter pictured on the cover of the 1976 album "Arrival."

An ambitious interactive element lets visitors take quizzes, recreate the band's sound at a mixing desk, or dance and sing alongside an animated ABBA via "holographic video" technology. The gift shop features Abba T-shirts, teddy bears, jigsaw puzzles and figurines – along with CDs.

An audioguide – narrated by Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgard, one of the stars of the film version of "Mamma Mia!" – traces ABBA's story, from the members' amateur teenage bands to stardom. The breakthrough came in 1974, when the band was the surprise winner of the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest with "Waterloo" – a song that brought ABBA's mix of bouncy pop melodies, multilayered harmonies and slightly silly lyrics to the world.

So if this is happening, why not... XANADULAND!!



  1. I would love to see this!! How fun!

  2. This does sound very intresting. I say we all go see it!

  3. Well I love there music. I'm not really sure what to feel about this though. Happy I guess?

  4. I knew there was a good reason I've been wanting to go back to London!
