Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why I think 2012 will be a Great Year in Cali

I have posted about California's LGBT groups waiting until 2012 to repeal Prop 8 and gain marriage equality in the state.

However, I wanted to explain why I think this is a great idea. As usual, I will use bullet points.
  • Money! This will give time to raise a lot of bucks for ads, buy space, hold events and etc. We can also hold many events that could possibly unify the LGBT groups in the area and state.
  • Outreach- One of the biggest mistakes was not reaching out beyond the gayborhoods and ritzy spots. This will give us time to approach communities to help our cause. We will need to go into the places we lost votes or had the poorest support. They need to know who we are.
  • Allies- We need to build strong allies with other social justice groups. Hell, sometimes the X-Men needed The Avengers for help. We need to hit our opponents from many sides. The stronger and diverse our allies are, the better our attack will be.
  • Inclusion- We need to involve ALL of the LGBT community in this fight. Diversity is key.
  • Know Thy Enemies- We can learn a lot from our opponents. In their approach, they never splintered. They stayed together and hit hard, we need to do the same.
  • NY Senate drama should be a lesson for us. There were senators that claimed to be on the "good" side, however they didn't stick to the plan. Within the next 2 years, we can know who's really on our side. We can support the ones who are for us and forget the ones who are not. Also, if we want to get dirty, we can threaten the Senators by withdrawing support (funding).
  • Hopefully, within the 2 years, we can unify the CA LGBT groups. We are kind of broken due to hubris and drama over 2010 or 2012 battle. I think once our egos are in check and the main goal is in focus, we can be a Phoenix Force that can push marriage equality forward.
I know peeps hate to "wait" on their rights. However, if it's done right, it's well worth the wait. We have time to get marriage equality in California. If we use this time wisely, there's no way we can lose.

1 comment:

  1. It would be phenomenal if the end of the "great cycle" according to the Mayan calendar (12/21/12) is equal rights.
