Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tim Burton + Vampires = Dark Shadows

Bad News: More Vampire Theme flicks are coming.

Good News: Tim Burton will be doing it, and hopefully doing it well.

He's remaking Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins.

"We're actually going to shoot that film next September/October with Tim Burton and Johnny," King said in a group interview Friday in Los Angeles, where he was promoting The Young Victoria.

Burton is still finishing post-production on Alice in Wonderland, which also stars Depp and opens March 5, 2010. King is already prepping production on Dark Shadows with screenwriters so that it is ready for Burton to shoot next fall.

"We've been working on the script a lot, even though he's working on Alice," King continued. "We've been given a script. John August wrote the first screenplay. We're making some changes, but the film's going to be in production, as I say, September or October of next year."

This is should be interesting.

Thx to my buds over at Doorq.com for the tip.



  1. This could be really good. I was a fan of TV series of the 90s. It only lasted on season but I loved it. They writers have some great storylines from the original series to work with. So I hope they do a good job!

  2. Well, that might be a remake worth seeing.
    Love Depp and Burton together.

  3. Okay, when is Burton going to stop Casting Johnny Depp in EVERYTHING? I love Tim Burton but you'd almost think they were contractually bound to work together.

  4. I too enjoyed Dark Shadows as a kid. I'm not sure about Depp as Collins though; I don't think he's scary (looking) enough!

  5. I agree Toddy. I'm beginning to wonder if Burton thinks his movies won't have a big enough draw without Depp. Hopefully that's not true, but if it is that's sad. Burton is an amazing film maker and I think more actors could benefit from his direction. Give somebody new the lead Burton!! And also stop putting your girlfriends(wives) in the movies. Helena Bonham Carter is great but come on!!!

  6. Now that is a remake I can look forward to! Stan and I loved the original series and the short lived series from the nineties. Can't wait ti see what Tim does with it.

  7. Wow! I hadn't heard this yet. I loved the orginal in reruns and the 90's version also. I think with Burton an Depp, can you really go wrong? Be intresting to see who will play the evil ghost of Angelic

  8. YES - Tim Burton and Depp are no strangers - it can only be amazing and dark!
