Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NOM plans to attack D.C.

Here's the cultural terrorists press release:

We Will Overturn Your Same-Sex Marriage Bill

"We have one message for David Catania and the rest of these politicians today: this fight is not over.
We will go to Congress, we will go to the courts, we will fight for the people’s right to vote and we will win!"
- Brian Brown, Executive Director, NOM -

(WASHINGTON) - The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) released the following statement today in response to the D.C. Council’s passage of a same-sex marriage bill: "The people of D.C. have a right, guaranteed by the charter, which is D.C.'s constitution, to vote to protect marriage.

Politicians on the city council are acting as if they have the right through legislation to deprive citizens of D.C. of their core civil right to vote, but we will not let them get away with it," said Brian Brown, Executive Director of NOM. "

We have one message for David Catania and the rest of these politicians today: this fight is not over. We will go to Congress, we will go to the courts, we will fight for the people’s right to vote and we will win!"

NOM has led successful campaigns to protect marriage in states across the country, including victories in California in 2008 and most recently in Maine in November, 2009, as well as legislative battles to block gay marriage in New York (where gay marriage failed in the Senate by a lopsided vote of 38 no to 24 yes).

Don't let them win!



  1. One must admire their tenacity, however misguided it may be.

  2. Buzz Killington has nothing on these folks. They travel from place to place to ruin people's lives. They are the political equivalent of the Black Death. I'm so done with them.

  3. I prefer the term heterosexual supremacists

  4. They've already lost this battle. It's just a matter of time.

  5. I completely forgot to mention how awesome and appropriate the He-Man picture is to this story. That made my day.
