Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 Rules of LGBT Contributions In The Political Game by David Mixner

David Mixner has provided 5 guidelines to political giving:

1. Do not contribute to Democratic party committees like the DNC, DSCC and DCCC. They will use the funds to not only elect our allies but also Blue Dog Democrats. Even if they set up a 'special committee' for us that will enable them to loosen funds for candidates who are opposed to our freedom.

2. Contribute directly to only those candidates who have proven by either by vote or sponsorships of legislation their commitment to our issues.

3. Contribute to LGBT candidates who most often know how to fight like hell for us. The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is one of the most effective groups in Washington,DC.

4. Contribute to our own community and its battles for freedom especially as our young resort to more traditional civil rights tactics.

5. Contribute to defeating our enemies at the local level which is a very powerful message to send those that oppose us.

I agree with some of these, however, I do not think boycotting the DNC and other organizations are wise ideas. Like it or not, they are our allies. We need to get over ourselves and work within this political madness.

Where will our LGBT dollars go? Who would be in charge of it? Are we going to put in some LGBT mattress somewhere?

And is the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund that powerful? Not everyone knows that, perhaps it's time to tell everybody else.

Okay, I'll stop, but I would love to hear your views on this.


  1. I agree with Mixner. The DNC is doing absolutely nothing for us right now ... besides taking our money.

  2. Personally I happen to agree. I stopped giving to the DNC quite some time ago as it has become apparent that their focus is on issues other than equal rights and, frankly, they're concentrating on things I personally don't like. I'm pretty moderate believe it or not. But I WILL give good money to those who have proven they mean what they say - It's the only way I can guarantee my money has any power whatsoever. If I gave to the DNC it gets lost in the proverbial shuffle and means nothing to them. The DNS has been, IMHO, powerless lately any way - they're too wound up in themselves to get anything done. Sad really.
