Monday, November 23, 2009

This is Adam Lambert

He had to do this to upstage Lady Gaga


  1. Good on him.

    How many rappers have barely clad bitches humping their legs at every other awards show?!?!?!?!?!

    More power to him - and he looked great.

  2. My boo kileed it i liked it if only we saw the audience face

  3. I think it was a desperate attempt to garner some publicity. Too bad the rest of the performance was lacking.

  4. You know, whenever they showed the audience they were barely clapping or anything. Just standing up. Janet was trying hard jsut to get them to clap and sing along. Why is that?

  5. It's not shoking when everyone is expecting it. I'm over him.

  6. I can't say I am over him, because I was never "on" him to begin with. Would I go so far as to describe him as an attention grabbing whore? Probably not, but at the same that description fits most people TV/music today anyway so it isn't so much of a insult as a matter of fact.

    It's just a little too crude for my taste. It's like so in your face for no reason besides to aggravate people.

  7. He needs to sit down. Really.

    I'll take Kris Allen over him any day

  8. I thought the song was lame, and the performance was done with shock in mind, and not much to do about art. Whatever!

  9. Well if I can be disgusted with 50Cent for cursing in front of Diana Ross at the BET awards, you better believe I can be disgusted by mock oral sex on ABC in primetime.

  10. Well honestly this did NOTHING for me. Yeah, I was shocked by the oral sex simulation...But much like the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift thing I was shocked for a minute but realized it is what it is...entertainment.
    I was more dissappointed by the song. For Your Entertainment is weak.
