Monday, November 2, 2009

Round 2 for DC Gay Marriage Testimony... Miss Copeland may be Back!

More of crazy religious fanatics and "purr" Gods today.

Over 150 people have signed up to speak at the D.C. City Council's hearing on gay marriage. As y'all remember, it was a circus last week. Hopefully, folks will think before they speak, in order to be taken seriously.

Any Miss Copeland-style mess will just erase any case for the opposition. However, it will be really funny to watch. I can't get over how funny that mess was.

Anywho, I will provide as much stuff as I can.


  1. My PC is having trouble recording and editing so I can't post the video of Brian Brown and that woman who said an anus is an exit not an entrance and gay marriage causes HIV just yet.
