Monday, November 2, 2009

Question of the Day

So I wanted to know if there was anything y'all want me to talk about this week?

Just let me know.


  1. I love that picture.

    Talk about more 1980's cartoons!

    otherwise...whatever you want to.

  2. What are your thoughts about 2012, Mayan Calendar, and the Nibiru madness?

  3. I would love to hear what you think about homophobia in the Black Community and the whole "down-low" trend and it's effect, if any, on rising HIV rates for females. You've posted your opinions on what others have said, but I'd like to hear what you have to say about it.

    It seems to be in the news lately and I am extremely interested in your take on it... Not just about HIV rates, but homophobia, churches, and masculinity in general and how it's affecting the gay black community.

    It seems there are lots of people from outside of the community talking about it, but no one from within.
