Monday, November 30, 2009

Old School Crush: From the movie My Bodyguard- Adam Baldwin

I fell for him as the tough kid, Ricky Linderman. I imagined him protecting me from my bullies.

Nice to see that he's aged pretty, pretty well.


  1. Yes he HAS aged well. Damn!

  2. Whatever happened to the one on the right? I remember thinking he was cute when he was in Vamp with Grace Jones. Is he still around and was he as lucky to have aged so well?

  3. You just gave me my new subject for a spotlight!

    I have ALWAYS thought Adam Baldwin was SEXY! I love when he plays roles where he is in the military(ID4)! He is so hunktastic in military clothes.
    He was in Vamp? I don't remember seeing him.

    Anyway, the baldwins have great genes...But that passed by Steven.

  4. YEs, he turns me on to. Have you seen Fire Fly. (I'm sure you have?)

  5. Amen V! I always digged him and he looks amazing. Woof!

  6. Mmm... I'll take Adam Baldwin and Matt Dillon :)

  7. Yeah, he is on the NBC show "Chuck", and was on "Angel" in its last season as well. He is a very handsome man.
