Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No Help from our National Orgs.?

The aftermath of our loss in Maine is very interesting.

Of course there's finger pointing and blame passed around like a collection plate in a Baptist church. But instead of following the trend, I will try to get to the heart of the matter.

First focus: Our national orgs. like HRC, NGLTF

Queerty claims they didn't do much, but this article says different...

The pro-gay marriage organization Human Rights Campaign, based in Washington, D.C., has contributed more than $140,000 to the No on 1 campaign plus donated more than $80,000 worth of goods, services or staff time.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has given the No on 1 campaign at least $75,000 plus donated nearly $65,000 in staff time or other materials.

So our national groups did help out in this battle. So let's stop blaming them.

I will address other parts of the blame game. The infighting must cease.

1 comment:

  1. So $220,00 is cash an in-kind. Come back and talk to me when you can match the Catholic churches half million dollar donation to the Yes side.

    But then, HRC and NGLTF have pretty much alienated most gay people. So they can't fund raise like they used to be able to do.
