Monday, November 9, 2009

John Aravosis launches Don't Ask, Don't Give

Gay activist and blowhard,
Joe and I are launching today a donor boycott of the DNC. The boycott is cosponsored by Michelangelo Signorile, and soon others. It's really more of a "pause," than a boycott. Boycotts sounds so final, and angry. Whereas this campaign is temporary, and is only meant to help some friends - President Obama and the Democratic party - who have lost their way.

We are hopeful that via this campaign, our friends will keep their promises.
So please sign the Petition and take a Pledge to no longer donate to the DNC, Organizing for America, or the Obama campaign until the President and the Democratic party keep their promises to the gay community, our families, and our friends.

You can find our Frequently Asked Questions, below, that explain the entire campaign. You can use our
"Tell a Friend" page to tell all of your friends, family members, and coworkers about this effort (and we won't keep any of the email addresses you entire, they'll all be deleted after the emails are sent).

Their FAQ does tackle some legitimate concerns, however it's still snarky at best.

I'm not sure this will do anything, since the DNC always get their money, but it could open the door to more discussion.

But I do like this Q & A:
President Obama has only been in office less than a year, why the rush? In less than a year, serious damage has already been done to the President’s commitments to the gay community. The problem isn’t only that he hasn’t been quick enough to fulfill his promises, it’s that he has actually backtracked on his promises and hurt the cause of civil rights and our community, as detailed above.
Serious damage? Really? So I guess the past 8 years wasn't serious damage at all, no sir, none at all.

I'll tell you this, John could win Best Actor in a Dramatic Role in a heartbeat.



  1. Both Aravosis and Signorile never held campaigns to boycott Republicans gay and straight that I can recall.

  2. I will have more comments on this mess later at my own blog....

  3. Love the "blowhard" part. You hit that nail on the head.

  4. A little presumptive, much? Yeah, you gotta give it up to some of these bloggers like Ameriblog they predict "doomsday" and the sky is falling when it's just raining...
