Friday, November 6, 2009

Jerome Corsi is an Asshole!

The tragedy in Fort Hood is truly horrible. However, the crazed idiot known as Jerome Corsi just had to find a way to blame it on Obama.

He wrote an article in World Net Daily (of all places) called, Shooter advised Obama transition.
HuffPo says:

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration."

In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

It's silly, however, folks are believing it. I tell you, stupidity is really making a strong comeback this year.


  1. Amen to that. Stupidity is the only thing Repubs can count on when trying to instill fear and panic in the crowds. They have no other ground to stand on, but want to make damn sure that the non-educated have plenty to fear and question about our progressive administration.
    Thanks for visiting my site and for following me. :)

  2. It's certainly not just you who views this sub-human as an ASS! I have the unfortunate distinction of knowing that all too well since he was married to my aunt for the first half of my life.

    The thing that scares me about Jerry however is the fact that people will believe his crap so readily. They never fact-check, they assume what he puts up is proven fact...when it's ALL LIES. The man cannot tell the truth to save his own skin. He flip-flops his political opinions based on who will pay him the most money to write books/articles etc to back up their political agendas.

    I remember him as a creep when I was a child and he's certainly not changed, he's only gotten older, uglier, more delusional, and greedy!
