Monday, November 16, 2009

Interesting Quote: Moose Mess

If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?

This is from this fool's book.


  1. Nevermind how extremely rude that is...the ignorance attached to that statement is beyond astounding. Humans are also made out of meat, does that mean she eats them too?

  2. The U.S. Presidential election system has degenerated into nothing more than a popularity contest, and this woman with her nice smile and thoughtless one-liners is clearly the most popular Republican out there.

    She has a real shot at being the next U.S. President. To stop this, we need to give her as much media attention as possible. Eventually she will become over-exposed and lose popularity, or say something so outrageous that even her loyal cheerleaders will stop supporting her.

    I say we give her plenty of rope and let her hang herself.

  3. After reading her philosophy, I'm cheering louder for Team Levi!

  4. God made Sarah outta meat. But I don't think I want to eat her. Um. No. Not even bbq.

  5. I wonder is her book written in crayon...

  6. *shakes my head* the fact she is to stupid and thoughtless yet was nominated to be second in command truly says something about the system I care to forget as much as possible.

  7. That has got to be the most amazing thing I've ever read.

    I swear.

    I'm going to come back and read this every day.

    That she would actually think, then say, then write, then read this over again astounds me.
