Monday, November 9, 2009

The Infighting must Cease!

I'll keep this brief.

I know folks want to keep things in check, but these boycotts, idle threats and tired knee jerk reactions are weakening our defenses.

Again, certain gay activists and self appointed leaders are trying stir up foolishness and drama within our community. I have to ask, Do they know who our real enemies are?
Sometimes, I'm not sure. While they are ready to burn Obama on stake, NOM and other groups like them, are beating us at every step.

They are raising record amount of money and gaining tons of support. But what are some of our community members doing? Launching DNC boycotts, threatening to vote Republican and stirring hate at the Obama administration.

We should hold them accountable, yes, but we should be civil about it. This may lead into a backlash we can't come back from. All I ask is for these folks to come up with a more civil way to address this. Let's extend a hand, instead of a clenched fist.

I just don't think this will work. Maybe I'm missing the point. Please share your views on this


  1. Well, as the saying goes, it's divide and conquer, and it seems to be working. Except it's the delusional and apprehensive that are doing that to the Progressive movement all over them not getting what they want when they want it.

  2. My patience grows thin. Don't call yourself a "fierce advocate" and then waffle on marriage equality vs. civil unions or other semantic bovine effluent.

    Do it while you have the necessary congressional majority. Do it now!

  3. Hey V, I'm not fond of our national organizations. I don't think the knee jerk reactions and threats they are proposing will have the desired effect at all. In fact they will probably backfire.

    The infighting between GLBT folk must stop if we are going to move forward. We need to get over ourselves and our differences. We,, as a community have to endure enough without turning on each other. We all need to stand up, pull together, and work it out. It is going to take all of us to win this fight.

    As far as getting our needs fulfilled, that is our job too. We know what we need, we know who we are, we know what we deserve. No other person or organization can be expected to work in our best interests. This is a GLBT folk thing and we have to take what is rightfully ours. We have to rely on ourselves. No one in the majority(that includes the president) will be able to give it to us.

    V, To be honest I don't know if we have it in us yest. I've seen this all before in our nations history, and I'm not sure we are ready to take what is ours.
