Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm coming out... I'm Bougie

I tried to deny it, but I can't keep it a secret... I'm bougie.

What's bougie? Well, according to the Urban Dictionary it means:
Adjective meaning extravagant, often to the point of snobbery. Usually used in relation to the conspicuous consumption of the urban upper-middle class. Dervived from "bourgeoisie"
My friend, "the boy from Ohio" told me that I am the bougiest person he has ever known. He asked if I ever noticed it and I said, "not really".

But when I thought about it, I realized that I'm a sort of a snob. Here's how:
  • I can't use regular soap, I only use stuff from Bath & Body Works or something from Sephora.
  • Someone gave me a dark chocolate bar and I told them to take it back. It was a Hershey bar and I don't do Hershey. It's fake chocolate. Only Dove and above for me.
  • My computer has to be a Mac.
  • I can not pass gas or burp in public, I will leave the room first.
  • I will never spit in front of others.
  • I would consider shopping at K-Mart as a last resort.
  • I don't drink beer.
  • I think Coach is cheap label for bags. Louis Vuitton is my only choice.
  • I used toilet wipes instead of toilet paper.
  • I have underwear for the gym and underwear for regular wear. But I will never mix the two.
  • My lowest grade of jeans are from the Gap, my highest is from True Religion.
  • At one point, if I dated a guy, he had to completed at least 2 years of college or it would never work.
Ridiculous, yes, but for some reason I hold on to these silly notions. I'm not mean, or completely judgmental... I don't know, I just have this odd value system.

Luckily, my friends just deal with it and except my madness.

I just think I'm crazy, but I'm glad they love me and snobbish ways.


  1. If you are a bougie, then I must be the anti-bougie. We differ on every single point you listed, except one.

  2. From your list - then I am bougie too (except that I can use regular toilet paper).


  4. I can use regular soap, tp, etc. True I prefer the educated to the uneducated. but that's about where I draw the line.

    As far as spitting, I'm all guy.

  5. This is eerie. I must be bougie too...even more than you. Not only did I agree with everything on the list but I refuse to spit at all. I'll only do it if the phlegm wad is so huge it's unbearable.

    The only thing we differed on was dating guys that were uneducated. I used to date guys that I had to dumb myself down to talk to. Now, I NEVER do it. You have to have a little college education.

    Yeah, I'm bougie too.
