Sunday, November 8, 2009

DNC, please explain your stance on LGBT issues

I'm a little confused about the role the DNC is playing. Earlier this year, they had a gay fundraiser and after the failed boycott from gay leaders, they still raised a million dollars.

However, they haven't really used it for LGBT issues, so I have to know... What is the DNC's plan for us?

Now, I'm not going to give up on them like so many others. I usually need concrete proof of betrayal before I cut you off. And I'm not going to go all John Aravosis-like and starting believing the world hates gays, but I can't let this shake off so easily.

I need to know a few things from the DNC.
  • What are their plans for the LGBT community? I mean, they raised all of that money for us, at least give us list or something.
  • What is plan for all that money raised during the LGBT dinner?
  • Can the DNC explain their involvement in ballot measures and candidates?
  • Is there a LGBT board within the DNC?
  • Will there be an agenda about the LGBT community posted?
  • How does DNC define their support of the LGBT community?
  • Will they clear the air about Maine and the lack of support? Is there a policy we don't know about?
  • How do they plan to win back the disgruntled LGBT supporters?
I think the DNC should say something to clear the air. Right now, their name is getting dirty due to Aravosis and gang.

To be real, I take John Aravosis, Dan Savage, and peeps over at Pam's blog with a grain of salt. But I have to admit there's some foolishness lingering about. If the DNC want folks to stay on their side, we'll need some answers... Soon.

1 comment:

  1. Their stance on issues is pretty clear to me which is one issue at a time.
