Monday, November 16, 2009

The Death of LGBT media

This is sad to hear about.
The much talked-about "death of newspapers" hit LGBT communities in a big way this weekend when Window Media shut its doors, taking with it six major LGBT publications: Southern Voice, Washington Blade, South Florida Blade, 411 Magazine, Houston Voice, and David Magazine. The closing followed months of turbulent struggle within the company that resulted in being forced into federal receivership and the resignation of CEO David Unger last July. Nevertheless, the final blow came abruptly for the employees of Window Media, who arrived at its Atlanta offices this morning to find the doors locked and a brief note informing them that their jobs had gone the way of the dodo:

It is with GREAT regret that we must inform you that effective immediately, the operations of Window Media, LLC and Unite Media, LLC have closed down.

Please return to this office on WEDNESDAY, November 18th, 2009 at 11:00 AM to collect personal belongings and to receive information on your separation stipulations. Please bring boxes and/or containers that will allow you to collect all your personal belongings at one time.


Steve Myers
Mike Kitchens

These are great LGBT publications. I hope we can keep the info flowing on the web.


1 comment:

  1. Alas, as uselful as the internet is, it will eventully take out newspapers and magazines. The sales and subsrciptions are WAY down, more than ever before. But the gay pub. will feel it even harder. It is very sad.
