Monday, November 2, 2009

The Case of a Sad Ex?

My friend, the boy from Ohio, has a Sad Ex.

What's a Sad Ex?

Well, the Sad Ex is:
  • calls more the 3 times a day just to talk.
  • always talk about the past.
  • always acts as if y'all never broke up.
  • always wants to know if you sleeping with the new friend of yours.
  • still tries to have sex with you.
  • gets really upset if you start dating anyone new.
  • very jealous for no ass reason.
  • somewhat unstable.
  • have no friends of their own.
  • totally dependent on you.
Every time he talks about this guy, I want to vomit out nails and tacks. It's hard to hear about this guy, because a Sad Ex should be a myth. I can't imagine being that caught up in my ex. I get "puppy love", but a Sad Ex is hard issue to wrap my head around.

I mean, I was very hurt by my first break-up and hoped we would get back together. However, I realized we were not meant to be so, I moved on. It wasn't easy, but it had to be done.
I didn't want to be a Sad Ex.

Do any of you know a Sad Ex... Or been one? Share, please.


  1. I have been one and I have had one, on different ocsassions. Every situation is different... try not to judge!

  2. Being a Sad-Ex is so hard. I think it's easy to become that if you were not wanting the break up. Hopefully the Sad-Ex moves on soon.

  3. I'm trying, Ginger. It's just hard sometimes, because this poor guy won't move on. It like he's enjoying the pain and torture.

  4. I was a sad ex once - I know it's pathetic, but I moved on - on the plus - it was my 1st - so I was now getting in touch with my emotions!
