Thursday, October 29, 2009

SyFy wants to "Americanese" Being Human, meaning, they will F**k it Up

Let me schedule my next scriptwriting class, because this is a hot ass mess.

SyFy wants to do their own version of the UK hit, Being Human. This show is about a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf living together and trying to deal with their own issues. It's on BBC America and it's doing well.

However, there was a gas leak at SyFy and they believe they can just copy it "Party in the USA" style.
"Human" appeared on Syfy's radar about two years ago when the network was given the pilot script by the BBC, which was seeking to bring in the U.S. cable network in as co-producer. It was too late in the process, so Syfy brass passed but became instant fans of the material.

"It turned out great as we can now do an American version," Syfy president Dave Howe said. "We've always been keen on vampires and werewolves, and we loved the originality of 'Being Human,' the fact that the fantastical creatures in it are very young, accessible and charming."

Howe stressed that Syfy is not going to "slavishly replicate the British version." Some of network's core audience already might be familiar with the original series, which runs in the U.S. on BBC America.

The search is on for a writer to adapt "Human," with Syfy targeting a launch in summer or fall 2010 and eyeing it as a potential companion piece to breakout hit "Sanctuary," which shares similar subject matter.

But Sanctuary is horrible and remember Coupling? Who told them to do this? And would we watch a remake of a show that is still producing new episodes? In fact, they are starting season 2.

SyFy are you thinking at all? Try, oh I don't know...SOMETHING NEW!



  1. I told you that show was great!!! Glad you tuned in to it! I'm scared about them Americanizing "Being Human." But I am very happy that we'll still be getting the BBC version. Problem is the BBC usually doesn't have multiple, multiple seasons of shows. They tell their story and leave before they run it into the ground, uhmmm..."Heroes" anyone. Hopefully they haven't jumped teh shark with the New Doctor, but we'll see!

  2. The cast of the show is wonderful together (especially my baby warewolf). Have you seen the orginal pilot (You Tube)with a different cast?

    Americanize - does that mean make it loud and obnoxious?

  3. I first saw Being Human last week on BBC and fell in love with the simplicity of the characters and the dynamics of the story - love it!
    Americanising it - I think it may be a bit tainted but also interesting!

    WM - check my blog out on "Fave Porn Stars"

  4. Didn't American TV execs learn anything from Coupling?


  5. Oh brother, there goes NBC-Universal screwing up another good BBC show. Why don't they do like they did with Dr. Who and just leave it be and just air the show? Also I'm still pissed they passed on Torchwood because they didn't want to ruffle any feathers because of the LGBT content of it...

    NBC-Universal is so clueless when it comes to show production these days.
