Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sad, Sad world we live in sometimes

So much is happening in LGBT world, and I'm sad to say it's not cute.

Jack Price was gay bashed and put in a coma by Daniel Rodriguez and Daniel Aleman. However, the friends of Daniel's claimed Jack had it coming. Really? Who deserves that? See this fool, here
Also look at his stupid tattoo on his arm... Who does that?

The Maine battle is getting tight, the vote is coming up very soon. Hopefully, they will prevail.

And then, this Robert Hannah kid gets 180 days after killing a gay man. They used the "Gay Panic" mess to defend him.

This really makes it clear why the Hate Crimes Act must completely pass.


  1. I find it interesting that these types of people rely on Old Testament scripture rather than looking to the New Testament. If this person had done that perhaps he would have found "Lovy thy neighbor as thyself." Oh but that would mean being tolerant, wouldn't it? Since he wants to depend on the Mosaic Law here's one for him: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life."

  2. My Senator just replied to my email urging him to pass the Matthew Shepard act and actually lectured me on how this would be a bad thing for the country. It's a scary thing these guys get voted into office, isn't it. Great enjoying your blog!

  3. Geoff, I can't your senator would say such foolishness.

  4. Having that particular scripture tattooed on his arm...hmmm...I think he might be advertising himself as trade. I could see that. That would explain why he's so PASSIONATE about this particular abomination...

  5. I like Behrmark comment - Jesus left that as the one commandment and people who claim to be Christians don't even follow this one simple principle!
