Friday, October 30, 2009

Real time in my Head

I thought I would share some random things swimming in my head. It's makes no sense, but it's late and it's Friday... I lose all sense of control on Fridays.
  • I'm a member of 2 gyms. One on campus and one downtown. I "try" not to look at the guys at the campus gym because, they are students. But at my downtown gym, my eyes are all over the place. Imagine Mechadude's and David Dust's blog coming to life, and you have my other gym.
  • I'm trying to schedule a trip to Buffalo and Murray, KY within the next couple of months. We will see how that goes.
  • I'm in the middle of 2 scripts: a gay geek one and a horror one.
  • I saw a special screening of Cabin Fever 2 with the cast and thought it was cute, and the lead guy, Noah Segan is a hottie.
  • Eric Arvin has a dark and sexy pic of himself that makes pumpkin craving an exciting activity.
  • I'm thinking of fun games to play at David Dust next DDBW: I Never, Hot Seat, Truth or Dare. I love these games, I never lose.
  • I had fun getting my teeth clean yesterday, it was very therapeutic.
  • The next 6 weeks will be filled with traveling, student programming, long weekends and trick -n- treating... That's my job actually.
  • I think all of you should write at least one sex post about yourself.
  • I have too much Ralph Lauren... I'm becoming a middle aged preppie.
  • I'm watching this movie with Dash Mihok in it. He's so Dreamy McDirty.


  1. Yeah, that's a cute pic of Eric.

    And the eyecandy makes the gym so worth it. It's funny that you put air quotes around TRY. LOL
