Sunday, October 25, 2009

Question of the Day

My first boyfriend was 7 years younger than me and my current man is 6 years younger than me.

How young is too young for you?


  1. Illegal is too young.

    Mind you - sometimes too young can be just a couple of years intellectually / experientially.

    If I was fit and single - early -mid 20's would definitely be too young.

    Great for the sex - so bad for life priorities.

  2. Well Im 20 now, so anything under 27 is too young!

  3. May I flip that questions around? I like them older. My husband is 12 years older than me and there's no problems with that. The largest age difference I've had with a sex partner (not bf) is 34 years. Again, not a problem.

  4. I draw the line at toddlers... I don't want to have to take his sippy cup when we go out for cocktails!

  5. I prefer older man, even though My hubby is eight years younger.

  6. Excellent question. I dated one guy (for a short time) who was 19 years younger than me. I literally could have been his father. I sort of creeped me out.

  7. I prefer younger, but my hubby is 3 years older.

    But age ain't nuthin but a number anyway, as Aaliyah would say.

  8. I guess it might be a question of preference and comfort. For me - I like older men - my bf is older than me by 10 years.

  9. Anything I'll go to prison for...

    But uhm I actually prefer older men. I'm 26 so anything under age 21 is too young for me. I don't feel like dating shallow little queens...Not all younger guys are that way but most are.

    But I've dated men as old as 50 though.

  10. I'm 21 and I tend to like them older....But if I was doing younger...He would have to be ON POINT! Younger guys are mostly bad news.
