Friday, October 16, 2009

Question of the Day

What are you up to this Weekend?


  1. Roller skating in white chiffon and big hair of course !

  2. I plan to put on my white roller skates, slip into my white sequined mini-dress and skate the night away with some hot guy who can perch me onto his shoulder!

  3. I just wish my plans included lifting my legs up that high and not while skating either! (wink, wink)

  4. Well, there is a Marriage Equality march going on here in Providence tomorrow. Rain or shine I'll be there.

    I'm turning into a regular activist lately.

  5. I have to agree with Stan...teeheehee! I'm almost tempted to shop on Adam4Adam...::slaps his wrist::

    Uhm, but I'm just doing some much needed cleaning! And I have some homework assignments to finish up.
