Saturday, October 17, 2009

Old School Crush: Shabba Doo

Back in my pre-teen wannabee Solid Gold dancer days, I fell in love with break dancing and Shabba Doo or Adolfo QuiƱones.

He was so dreamy and I thought that he could teach me how to dance and "other things".

Breakin' was on Showtime today, so it brought back all the old feelings I had for him.


  1. Me too, Wonder man, me too. I am wasn't even born when "Breakin" came out. But my step brother was obsessed over it so...

  2. I LOVED him back in the day.


  3. I remember the movie but it wasn't my thing! I love the navel breaker - I wish guys would start wearing them to the gym again!

  4. I don't think my hormones had kicked in yet, but i did feel some gravitation towards him.
