Thursday, October 22, 2009

NOM has a March on Washington Too

Beware, Fools are marching this weekend

Dear Friends of Marriage,

Join us this Sunday, October 25th, as we gather to protect marriage in the nation’s capital! With the DC City Council threatening to impose same-sex marriage throughout the District, DC residents are gathering together to demand that their voice be heard and their right to vote not be taken away.

What: Stand4Marriage Rally!

When: Sunday, October 25th
3:00 - 5:00 pm.

Where: Freedom Plaza (14th & Pennsylvania NW)

Who: Pastors, community leaders, concerned citizens, and YOU! Please bring a friend!

RSVP: Please email to let them know you’ll be there!

The Stand4MarriageDC team, led by Bishop Harry Jackson, has filed an initiative petition to preempt the DC City Council’s plans to push through a same-sex marriage bill co-sponsored by 10 of the Council’s 13 members. If successful, the initiative would put same-sex marriage before DC voters. The Board of Elections, however, is threatening to reject the marriage initiative, claiming it violates the DC Human Rights Act, and is thus ineligible to be voted on as an initiative measure.

Join us in telling the DC Council that they’ve ignored the people of the District long enough. When it comes to marriage, it’s time to let the people have the final say.

It looks like the weather will be perfect . . . so tell your friends, announce it at church, and then come on down to take a Stand For Marriage in our nation’s capital! Hope to see you there!


Brian S. Brown Executive Director National Organization for Marriage 20 Nassau Street, Suite 242 Princeton, NJ 08542

If you are close, try to go and check this mess out.


1 comment:

  1. Somehow I doubt that they're going to get many people. Even during the Oct. 11th march there weren't a whole lot of homophobic asshats there.

    And I see old Pumpkin Face Brown is looking his usual self. I'd just like to throw a brick at that smug look on his face.
