Friday, October 16, 2009

Joy for lil Gay Boys

So this little performance from Glee has "children" making their videos and hopping around like Jiffy Pop popcorn.

After seeing this cute routine, I was reminded of a Glee-like number I was over-crazy about in the 80s.

The number came from the movie School Daze. Tisha Campbell made me want to be a Gamma Ray and I can still do this routine. In fact, we did this routine a lot in college.

Still love it and I love Glee.


  1. "...and I can still do this routine."

    You realize you have no choice now, right? You better start practicing. We want to see your performance vid by Monday.

  2. I think a lot of people forget that School Daze was billed as a musical. The soundtrack has some great songs. Phyllis Hyman turned it out in "Be One" and the Stevie Wonderesque "I Can Only Be Me" is one of my favorite songs that inspire me.

  3. OH and I forgot the amazing "Good or Bad Hair" number. That was a show stopper.

  4. It was Allan, hell I should post that one too. We used to act that one out in college.

    "Girl, you wish you had hair like this."

  5. Oh man...I am telling my business with this one but, I used to go to my cousin's house and she had this movie on VHS and I would sit and watch this routine over and over again. My aunt noticed and thought that I was watching it for emerging hormonal reasons. (Little did she know.) She bought me a tape of the soundtrack for Christmas!! LOL! I lost it somewhere along the way. But oh the memories.

    This movie gave us half the dang cast of A Different World. And it was my first exposure to the words octoroon, quadroon, mulatto. Which I thought was all one word and in my mind never realized that being light skinned had a word. (Hey, I was young. Especially since that's not what the words mean.) This movie also made my sister want to go to an all black college and scared me from even considering!!

    Tisha and Jasmine were working those wigs though weren't they!!

  6. I remember being the only white kid at the Nile Theater watching this movie--and this song was my favorite. I remember it being like Rocky Horror, as girls were doing the dance and song during the movie.

  7. Oh my god I own a DVD copy of School Daze JUST to watch the Gamma Rays!
    Those girls were giving nothing short of GLAMOUR! GLAMOUR! GLAMOUR!
    Don't even get me started on how they were doing the twirls in those fishtail gowns...Especially Jasmine Guy. She was just giving me DIVA honey!
    That scene is every little gay boy's wild wet
