Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Time for Us to be "Fierce" about Our Own Cause

Okay, I'm going to be real right now. I'm sick of these Obama protest about DOMA, DADT and You put your Chocolate in my Peanut Butter.

I don't feel they really go anywhere and the efforts could be use in other ways. This is what I'm talking about. Join the Impact Mass. is having a protest in Boston while Obama's speaking. Here's their press release:
President Obama will be in Boston on Friday, Oct. 23rd for a fundraiser and it's a great opportunity to keep the pressure on him to follow through on his LGBT rights promises.

We will be there from 12:30pm-2:30pm and meet outside the Westin Copley Place Hotel (near the Copley T-Stop).
Specifically, actions that Pres. Obama can take without waiting for Congress are:

1. Sign a stop-loss order to stop firing openly gay members of the military due to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

2. Pres. Obama is currently working against our community and against his promise to get rid of DOMA, the Defense Of Marriage Act, by defending this law in Court. He needs to direct his Department of Justice to stop defending this law in Court and allow a Congressionally appointed lawyer to defend it instead.

Further, he needs to speak out more forcefully and more often around specific legislation from repealing DADT and DOMA to passing ENDA and many other bills in between.

Basically, being a "Fierce Advocate" means he has to actually do some advocating. That's why we're protesting.

Okay, I hear you. However, are y'all aware of the process that is happening? No, I guess not.
  1. The stop-loss issue has been addressed many times. The folks working to end DADT and officers have asked Obama not to issue a stop-loss until there is something in place. Putting a stop-loss in action when all gay soldiers are not out and proud could cause some serious drama. Remember, not all soldiers are out or comfortable with sexuality being on display.
  2. Obama spoke out about DOMA and ENDA just last week, haven't you heard? Why is congress working on ENDA and moving it forward? Repealing DOMA is also in process, so why is this still a talking point? I would understand if NOTHING was being done, but they are doing something.
And let's talk about fierce advocates, because I'm not convinced we are as keen on this as much as we like to think.

Attacking Obama has become the cheap and lazy way to deal with this. Instead of standing outside chanting and shouting, these folks need to create tangible next steps.

Start writing the congressmen, start fundraising and get the proper word out about these policies. Start assisting the Washington and Maine battles instead of shouting at a brick wall. In order words, do something with Impact.

Honey, screaming outside the Westin Copley Place Hotel is changing nothing; that's just the truth. Put those efforts in something that will move the cause forward. You are wasting your time, start hitting up the senators, governors, and the people with hard press stuff.

I'm sorry this is a long post, but this just gets on my nerves. Don't attack Obama about being a fierce advocate, we need to be the fierce advocates. We need to set the example and stop placing blame.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly V, if we want a change we have to work for it, we have to be advocates for ourselves, not victims.
