Monday, October 26, 2009

I got an A in Scriptwriting!

I finally found out that I got an A in my scriptwriting class. There were only a few of us to do this and I am floored.

I was so nervous about this class, my writing and if I can still hang. I mean, my last and only scriptwriting class was in 1994, so I was a little worried.

But now, I'm ready for more. I'm going to try to get into another class for Spring.


  1. Congrats on the "A"!!

  2. Yay!

    We should totally collaborate on a Jem and The Holograms script!

  3. College for me was pretty much like, if you'll pardon the expression, shooting puppies in a barrel.

    I managed to end up with a 3.82GPA and that's only because I fluffed a couple of liberal arts classes.

  4. College for me was pretty much like, if you'll pardon the expression, shooting puppies in a barrel.

    I managed to end up with a 3.82GPA and that's only because I fluffed a couple of liberal arts classes.

  5. V, that is awesome! Bask in that glory of that A.
