Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gay Teabaggers will Protest Obama/HRC Dinner

I knew this would happen just by the tone of the articles and tweets I was reading.

Activist, Andy Thayer is going to let Obama know he is pissed off! Look out! He sent out a press release.
Pro-LGBT Picket of Obama This Saturday Moved from White House to HRC Gala

In reaction to the announcement yesterday that President Obama will address a black tie fundraising gala of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) on Saturday, October 10th, organizers of a pro-LGBT picket originally scheduled for that night at the White House have instead moved the picket to the site of the HRC gala.

The picket will begin at 6 PM in front of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, on the northeast corner of Mt Vernon Place NW and 9th Street NW, Washington, DC.
While the picket organizers will be participating in the Sunday, Oct. 11th Equality March, they charge that the march organizers have been going easy on the Obama administration and the Democratic Party in general.

Barack Obama was long on pro-gay promises during the campaign, they say, yet short on delivering on them once he took power in late January.
“The time for talking is over,” said Andy Thayer of the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network (www.GayLiberation.net), one of the two organizations sponsoring the picket. “This President promised to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), he promised to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, he promised to pass the pro-LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Act and a whole host of other things.

Instead, he’s delivered on nothing while embracing anti-gay bigots Rick Warren and Donnie McClurkin. The last thing we need is more flowery rhetoric in front of rich, self-effacing gays and lesbians dressed up like penguins.”
The picket is cosponsored by the Dallas-based direct action group, Queer Liberaction (queerliberaction.moonfruit.com), a group which played a leading role in organizing an effective community response to the violent police raid on a Fort Worth bar.

”The Obama administration has likened LGBT relationships to incest and bestiality,” said Queer Liberaction co-founder Blake Wilkenson. “He cited his ‘Christian beliefs’ for the reason why he now opposes equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. He refuses issue a stop-loss order to prevent purges of lesbian and gay soldiers. If we are going to get real change out of this White House, we need to make demands of this President. As the great anti-slavery activist Frederick Douglass put it, ‘Power concedes nothing without a demand.’”

For more information about the Saturday, October 10th pro-LGBT picket of President Obama, contact the Gay Liberation Network at LGBTliberation@aol.com or 773.209.1187, or Queer Liberaction at LGBTliberaction@gmail.com or 214.679.6321

Great Andy, you tell that nasty Obama all about the promises he HASN'T broken yet and how working on policy change is NOT WORKING fast enough.



  1. I'm sorry...am I missing something? Obama has been in office for what - nine months give or take? He has eight years of mess to clean up and everyone is complaining that the "change" hasn't happened yet. I challenge people like this Andy guy to step in and take over as POTUS and let's see how fast he works on serving the needs of everyone. Yes, that's right: EVERYONE. I apologize for the rant but it ticks me off how the detractors are bitchin' and moanin' about how nothing has happened. If you people can do better then why aren't YOU campaigning for POTUS? (Whew! Thanks - I feel better!) Behr Hugs!!

  2. Your use of "gay teabaggers" is cute, if not totally inappropriate, it shows how much the activist community has upset the Gay Obama apologists.

    The tea baggers want Obama to stop doing things. The gay activist communtiy wants Obama to act. There's a big difference. When we protested Bush about his AIDS funding, we weren't considered "tea baggers". When we protested Bush about lifting AIDS restriction on foreign travel, we weren't "tea baggers". When we protested the RNC for having a non-inclusive political platform we weren't "teabaggers". It's cute, your fear.

  3. "Gay Teabagger"

    Isn't that an oxymoron?

    During the Summer, two members of that group got into a fight with the Great Nationwide Kiss-In guys, too.

  4. In fairness, Behr, GLN does have a point. Alot of people have said that if it doesn't get done in the first one hundred days, it's just not going to get done.

    On CNN, someone said that gay rights et al is a second term issue. Is it? One has to wonder just how long we as a community can afford to put up with this shit.

  5. Fuck him and all the rest of them. I support the President.

  6. I understand the anger some people have towards Obama regarding LGBT issues, I do.
    But what i don't understand is the plan to picket a speech when you don't even know what the speaker will say.
    Silliness...or, in Wonderman lingo: ridic.

  7. You know I have no problem with giving the president as much time has he needs, so long as he articulates what his intended timeline is, which he hasn't done. Which I think is what scares some people that he is not really serious about doing it or willing to pass down as long as he can.

    I don't expect him to put the Iranian nuclear talks on hold to call all 60 Democrats in the Senate to push for a real of DADT, that is just out of sync with rational thought.

    However, where I am concerned is the President's administration silence on the issues and reluctance to address them when they are brought up, even if they are a low priority I think he can still say more on them than he has.

    And I will also say, the President only signs the stuff. If in addition to a mounting effort to pressure Congress groups like Gay Liberation were also actively lobbying the White House I would more aligned with them than I am.

  8. I know they want to be the squeaky wheel(less someone forget about us), but I think they ought to remember that although the squeaky wheel gets oiled, often the chronically squeaky wheel is ignored or replaced.

    Or, to be put it another way, sometimes your man will respond better if you don't kick him in the balls before you ask for kinky sex. Unless you're into that and in that case, you've just started one hell of a night.

  9. Mike loves to kiss bush dick. Go on cock sucker. Oh by the way do you know that he claims now that he has dementia. He does not even know your name.

  10. Wonder Man I have really learn so much on your blog. Sorry for my out burst. But I do not know how to express myself better.

  11. No problem, honey. This is an expression zone.

  12. It is patently unfair to call Andy Thayer and others like me who are protesting Obama "gay teabaggers." Unless of course the intention is to smear us as a bunch of white racists trying to discredit the Black president.

    We are not "birthers" or other right-wingnuts comparing Obama to Hitler or Stalin. We join many ohters to condemn the racist attacks on Obama. I only wish he were more forceful in doing so.

    Although I never supported the man who doesn't back my basic civil right to marriage equality, I want Obama to act on his promises by expending political capital for equality by meeting with Congressional leaders, etc.

    He can act on his own by issuing a "stop loss" order, effectively killing Don't Ask, Don't Tell by blocking its enforcement.

    As other presidents have done, he can order Eric Holder to stop defending in Federal court acts he says are discriminatory, DADT and Defense of Marriage Act.

    These things take political will, they would be "audacious" acts, substituting performance for fine words.

  13. Wonder Man, I can't believe you don't see a difference between the racist TEA bagger attack on the legitimacy of Obama's presidency, and a critique of Obama's performance. Are the editors of BlackAgendaReport racists?

    I didn't support Obama since he doesn't back my basic civil right to marriage equality. But, he did make a ton of promises to LGBTs, and he needs to spend some political capital to meet with Congressional leaders to promote our equality.

    Today, on his own, Obama could issue a "stop loss" order to block enforcement of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. He could tell Eric Holder to stop defending DADT and DOMA in federal court, as other presidents have done on laws they opposed.

    Obama's soaring rhetoric has thus far not been matched by the "audacity of performance."

  14. Holy shit...Jon Stewart knocked it out of the park with this one...spot on!


  15. Hi Bob,

    I see the difference between the 2. But when we are protesting an event without any idea what Obama is going to say, it is a bit foolish.

    They are making assumptions and ahuge judgment call that can blow up in their faces.

    Also DADT and DOMA are laws for now, he can't say break those laws at the time being because we want him to? That's a can of leeches we don't want open.

    I guess I want us to believe that all of this will be handle in the right way and at the right time.

    Or in "home" terms, why keep using fix-a-flat when you can save up a get a better functioning tire

  16. Dear Bob Schwartz i like you have a hard time with Obamas presidency on issues affecting queer community. But until I see a real organizing and a real strategy on homophobes like Glen Beck and Fox news gang I can not endorsed your agenda. We are dealing with so much right now. We were able to overturn 8 years of Bush regime. And now we are facing hate to the 10tth degree. And this goes out to mike to, Your voice is loud you are provoking.
