Monday, October 12, 2009

Examples of Internet Left Fringe

I thought I would be (silly) nice and give examples of Internet Left Fringe.
  • An Internet Left Fringe person takes a statement like: I didn't like Milk the movie into I hated Harvey Milk and everything he stood for.
  • To the ILF, if you disagree with their stance then you are a self-hating gay who tortures cats.
  • They see and hear things that are not there, like your Aunt Clara who see fairies in the toilet.
  • Trying to end DADT, DOMA and ENDA is as easy as blinking your eyes.
  • They do not believe in details.
  • They are impatient and paranoid, a dangerous mix.
  • They love attention and can be very myopic. In fact, notice how some of them took this issue all out there and make it all about them see here
  • They have a loyal following.
  • They are only happy if they are right in a situation.
Yes, this list is crazy, but the way these folks carry on sometimes is ridic. Look at how Pam, John Aravosis and Dan Savage act once they get their wheels turning. It's discouraging and can be harmful to our overall cause.

I hope they will chill, step back and think through their stuff. Because this crying wolf mess is getting old.

1 comment:

Prince Todd said...

That sums up the the leftist fringe. Once I said I still supported President Obama and was roundly chided as a traitor. ::shrug::

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.