Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Days of Pre-Gay Youth

Surfing the nets, I found this diddy on D-listed, Emotions by Samantha Sang.

I love this song, I mean I love this song.

As a kid, my gay cousin and I would put on our Aunt Versie's wigs and sing this song in the mirror.

My cousin even created a smoky theme using steam by running the shower.

We would do Emotions or Lead Me On by Maxine Nightingale

Oh, the good days.


  1. I LOVED "Lead Me On" when I was a kid!!!


  2. I must be crazy..I always thought Emotions was the Bee-Gee's. MAybe when I was little everything was the Bee-Gee's to me! LOL!

  3. I wore a wig to look like Ace or Paul from KISS! Was this an early sign?
