Friday, October 23, 2009

Dan Savage: Hate Crimes bill Doesn't impact the lives of the LGBT community like Marriage

I kid you not, folks!

Dan said that the Hate Crimes law DOES NOT impact the lives of gays and lesbians like the right to get married.

Is he f**king kidding me?

Please listen to this CNN clip at the 3:58 mark

According to Dan, Hate Crimes is not one of the IMPORTANT LGBT issues.

What is wrong with our community? Wait, let me remix that, What is wrong with Dan Savage? He is saying that Hate Crimes does not impact us like marriage!

Am I crazy? What the f**k is he talking about?
This is why we are always running in circles, maybe it's just me, but that clip was a bunch of hater foolishness.

And who is this Corey Johnson?

Will CNN get some LGBT folks with a different and sensible opinions? I'm tired of these folks misrepresenting our community.


  1. Sheesh. "Symbolic"? That's pretty insulting.

  2. He has completely lost all credibility with me. Privilege, your name is "Dan Savage"...

  3. Let me first say that I think passage of a Hate Crimes bill is fantastic.
    But I think what Savage was trying to say is that passage marriage equality legislation will have a bigger instantaneous impact on more gay folks, and this country, than Hate Crimes; not that Hate Crimes isn't important, but, with marriage equality, we are instantly acknowledged as being equal under the law. And with that, Hate Crimes should immediately follow. We just took a different approach towards eqaulity.
    I don't think he meant to denigrate the Hate Crimes bill, but I can understand where he's coming from.

  4. Dan Savage can go to hell.
    Sorry Dan, but we don't all live in your little lala land where everyone is gay and happy happy joy joy.
    There are hundreds of gay hate crimes victims per year. Yes, this VERY much impacts me as I am not planning to get MARRIED ANYTIME soon.
    Savage has sunk to a new low.

  5. Bob, I get what you are saying, but not every SGL/LGBT person wants to get want to get "married" or enter into an union. However, any SGL/LGBT person can be a victim of a hate crime and we are in dire need of those federal protections under the law since a number of states wouildn't pass such measure.

    Dan Savage is a such a stereotype of what is wrong with some of the more prominent LGBTs in the media. He is so delusional living in his glass tower of privilege and it's not even funny. I'm with ToddyEnglish in saying Savage can go to hell in a gasoline-soaked draws all I can care. CNN does need to find more pragmatic and rational LGBT individuals that can articulate the measures and politics without sounding like an emotional cunt like Savage...

  6. I agree with Bob....if you guys like eating crumbs thrown at you go ahead and eat them up.

  7. I agree with Dan Savage. This is old territory for the GLBTQ community and we should not be mollified by this cro-magnon legislation masquerading as progress. As Savage pointed out, this Hate Crime legislation passed in congress during the last administration and was put down only by presidential veto. I don't believe it marks a new era of respect and equality for queers, although it is "good" and it's easy to rally around. I think he was very clear, and just like a pundit, y'all jumped on the most inflammatory thing he said and ignored the message.

  8. All I have to say is that we will never be a community unless we listen to the dissenting voices with understanding. I may disagree with Savage a lot and most of the time but he's a gay man and I surely don't want him to go to hell.

  9. Do I hear a racial/class divide here maybe? It could be that a lot of black LGBT people live in "black constructs" where they do not feel SAFE to be who they are. So the hate crimes bill has more than just symbolic value to us. To many of us (meaning black LGBT people), the passing of hate crimes legislation is a matter of life and death.

    I support marriage equality, of course, it's just not my number one priority. In addition, I don't have a life partner so marriage equality is a mostly theoretical idea to me at this time. If I had a life partner I might have a greater sense of urgency about it.

  10. I think Savage has a point for a couple reasons.

    Hate crimes victims that are attacked for their race are easily identifiable, while hate crimes against gays are much murkier. It's very easy to claim (unless there are witness) that the person was attacked for some other reason to avoid the harsher penalties.

    Administrations that don't like homosexuals don't have to enforce the hate crime law -- as evidenced by Bush. Whether or not to charge someone with a hate crime is a matter of discretion for the Attorney General, rendering this law meaningless under unfriendly administrations.

    And lastly, the way to ultimately stop hate crimes is to stop hate. This law doesn't address that; marriage equality does. Many people are afraid of gays (for some ridiculous reason) and that's why they hate them. Marriage equality is a big step in showing that homosexuals are just like heterosexuals and nothing to be afraid of. Many people actually believe that gay marriage will somehow hurt the institution of marriage and families. Look at the civil rights movement in the 60s -- the legal wins came long before the lessening of racism.
