Monday, October 26, 2009

By the Goddess... DO NOT make Paranormal Activity 2!

I knew it, I knew it!

Greed always grinds good ideas into mush. Because Paranormal Activity is a success, they (Paramount) want to make a sequel.

Paramount Pictures is hoping so, as the studio is actively considering producing a sequel to "Paranormal Activity," the out-of-the-blue horror flick that cost $15,000 to produce and has sold $62.5 million worth of tickets so far domestically.

"We have the rights on a worldwide basis to do 'Paranormal 2' and we're looking to see if that makes some sense," Paramount Chairman Brad Grey said in an interview today.

Well, it don't. How can a sequel come from that? Do they remember the malarkey called Blair Witch: Book of Shadows... Omega Fail.

Just leave it alone, let it be a mystery, let this movie's ending be an mystery. There's no need to ruin it with a glossy sequel that sucks. Just let it be.

If I wrote it, I want it to end the way I want it to end. I would turn down the money for the sake of the story. If I didn't plan for a sequel, I won't do it.

I hope the folks behind the movie won't let this happen.



  1. That movie sucked big time! I pray to God there isn't a part two. I snuck in to watch that movie and I wanted a refund on my time spent!

  2. I loved the movie, but don't ruin the horror of the film with another one.

  3. Movie was a waste of my damn hard earned money!!!! No way I am paying for a sequel!!!!!

  4. Starring Megan Fox and Matthew McConaughey of course. There will be a subtle light-hearted love story plot line with... robots? Haha, I tease.
