Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some Interesting things about Joe Wilson

Our new "Joe the Plumber" should have kept his mouth shut because now, his trash is spread out in the street.

So I will share some of this trash about our favorite Congressman.
  1. News peeps are pushing the Confederate flag issue he was a part of and highlighting his membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group known to have some racist and bigoted ties in the South.
  2. Joe didn't really know what's in the bill. It was obvious that he missed section 246 of the bill which is titled, "No Federal Payment for Undocumented Aliens"
  3. Joe is in financial troubles.
  4. Now, Joe is begging for people to stand with him.
  5. And Joe's statement after the incident was considered a lie. His main reason for his outburst was wrong.
Joe wasn't ready for primetime, but we was very ready for him.


  1. So, how much did the health insurance lobby and his fellow Republican brethren promise “Joe the Debtor” in campaign funding if he embarrassed himself on TV? I suppose he was supposed to look like a Jimmy Stewart-type hero that the troops could be rallied around just in time for Beck’s “ 9-12 Paranoia-fest” in D.C. but ended up pissing off some conservatives and moderates in his own party behaving like that.

  2. This along with that whole message to students kerfluffle is, I hope, opening people's eyes to the ridiculousness of this irrational animosity towards Obama. "Irrational animosity" is being kind.

  3. This low life is nothing but a a racist bitch, caught with his undies down in the middle of the Appalachians, to find out that not even his own illiterate redneck followers will give a flying fuck on his own sorry ass. He is nothing but another stupid redneck that his greed clouds his reasoning skills Now he has no more choice but to apologize as the bitch that he is, while claiming that "I DID NOT MEAN THAT."
